A Beacon in a Balloon to Broadcast Alerts after an Aircraft Mishap
An AN 32 aircraft of the Indian Air Force was reported lost
over the Bay of Bengal on July 22, 2016. Visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Indian_Air_Force_An-32_disappearance
Incidentally, Wikipedia offers a very interesting article on
the aircraft AN 32; it mentions that the “estimated price for a modernized AN-32
version is 15 million US dollars”.
This made me revisit a posting in this blog dated March 22,
2014. Visit http://newstudentresearch.blogspot.in/2014/03/the-need-to-invent-secondary-data.html
I have another possibility to explore in this posting. Is it
possible to design and develop a device that, like an ejection seat, would be released
after an aircraft mishap to carry information and broadcast it in the short
wave band? The device, possibly mounted in an external pod, would monitor data
such as the flight path, altitude, attitude and acceleration and store them in
a secondary data recorder (SDS). Ideally, it would have its own sensors and
operate independently of the aircraft’s instruments. The flight path would be recorded
as a series of points in terms of GPS coordinates. The device, after ejection,
would inflate a helium balloon and release it. The SDS would constitute one
part of the payload of the balloon, along with a short wave transmitter. The
alerts would be broadcast using a non-directional shortwave antenna sending out
essential information giving GPS coordinates of where the device was ejected as
well as the current position of the balloon. If, after a couple of days, the
balloon comes down due to leakage of helium, its payload would continue sending
wireless signals to enable its recovery. It would float if it lands on water.
Such a solution would present many challenges to a designer.
What would be the difficulties in launching a helium balloon from a device
ejected from a flying aircraft? What would be the security risks in using such
a device with military aircraft? What should be done to make the SDS easily
recoverable? Can the balloon drop it with a small parachute on wireless
command? What would the transmitter power be, and what antennas would it
The proposed solution has several attractive features. The
alert could be received at multiple airports within minutes of a mishap,
enabling the quick launch of missions to recover any survivors. The system will work over land and sea. Search aircraft and ships would not have to spend weeks searching over tens of thousands of square kilometers.
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