Adarsha’s Star
Please refer to my previous blog post at
I believe I have given enough time to readers to examine
AJ's answer and to discuss it. Over a hundred people have visited the post
above. So, it is time now for me to comment on the answer.
AJ (Adarsha Joisa) is right on both counts - the main
answer as well as the answer to the sub-question. I had referred to a list of
92 stars brighter than magnitude 2.49. One of these can be said to be “nearest”
to Adarsha’s Direction, defined as the intersection of the local meridian
and the ecliptic at 6 AM that day. But the star may not be very close to the
direction, and may even be more than ten degrees away.
So, let us change the way we define Adarsha’s Star: On a
given day, it will be the star closest to Adarsha’s Direction provided it is in
the list of the 170 brightest stars (Visit ). The
dimmest stars in this list are of apparent magnitude 3.0.
The direction of the earth’s orbital velocity around the
Sun changes even during the day. So, what is Adarsha’s Star on a given day at 6
AM in Tokyo may not be the one that is Adarsha’s Star at local time 6 AM in Los
Angeles on the same day. I am not going to worry about refining the designation
of Adarsha’s Star any further now, particularly when none of the 170 brightest
stars may be within 5 degrees of Adarsha’s Direction at a given moment.
Let us ask what the purpose of this exercise is. We want
to be able to point in a direction in the sky and say that it is the direction
of earth’s orbital velocity. Ten degrees of accuracy is good enough for this
What about planets? The five planets visible to the unaided eye are useful in visualizing what we are hurtling towards at a given time. They have high visibility and are always close to the ecliptic.
Let us look at the sub-question. Many of the 92 stars
above magnitude 2.49 are well away from the ecliptic. Since the ecliptic is
fairly stable with respect to the stellar background, many of them have no
chance in my lifetime, or yours, of being Adarsha’s Star!
What is Adarsha’s Direction today? At Bangalore, the
Local Sidereal Time (LST)at 6 AM today (March 9, 2017) was 16 h 53 minutes, as
(All points in the sky having Right Ascension = LST
are on the local meridian, by definition). I looked up a sky map to find a point on the ecliptic
which had the right ascension of 16 H 53 Minutes approximately. I found that this point is within five degrees
of the bright star Antares in the constellation Scorpius. That much accuracy
will do for me. I am now very happy to know I am hurtling at 110,000 kilometers
per hour, roughly towards Antares!
I hope that any policeman who stops me for speeding would
have a sense of proportion, and not bother about an extra twenty kilometers per
hour or so!