Saturday, April 30, 2022

Admissions to IITs and the IISc

We, in India, are usually concerned about marks and entrance examinations.  Lakhs of applicants take the JEE (Main) test and those who get a specified minimum in that test take the JEE (Advanced). Finally, the top 10,000 rankers from the JEE (Advanced) get admission to IITs. There must be a few countries where such severe competition exists. Is there a statistical difference between those are in the 9900-10,000 ranks and in the 11900-12000 rank band? I doubt it.

That is not the end of the story. What do the tests measure? I have heard skeptical comments from many academics about how the exam-coaching industry runs circles round the system!

I was worrying about my daughter’s studying for the exams when she was in the 12th Grade. “Do you want me to get marks, or get an education, Daddy?”, she asked. The professors know the difference. One of them, from the Indian Institute of Science has written a short article on Linked in which is essential reading for all those interested in the field of higher education. Visit

He tells you how bad Entrance Exam top rankers can be.

Srinivasan Ramani